Cruise Control Website Promotion
Cruise Control Website Promotion
What an eventful year 2006 has been. My father passed away two days after Valentine's Day, I launched a new online jewelry retail store, developed a new jewelry line, moved home a couple of weeks ago, relocated my office, and the third-heaviest rainfall and flooding in the recorded history of the area where I live destroyed many businesses and properties just last week. It's been challenging but my Noah's Ark, Jesus Christ, has kept me and my internet businesses afloat, even if I haven't been very active in website promotion.
This year's Christmas shoppng rush seemed more frenzied than before. I hated to disappoint my customers, but when they tried to place their orders at my art collectibles website, Cherish Collectibles, just a week before Christmas, many popular items - like collectible plates and collectible marble boxes - were totally out of stock. Some customers were irate, but there was nothing I could do, other than offer alternatives. Sigh, why do people shop at the last minute? Still, I'm grateful for the visitors to all my websites, considering that I've barely had time for website promotion or any knd of internet marketing!
So much has happened that my head has been spinning. Now I'm looking for a new home, and that's taking up a lot of time. I can hardly wait to have my own home again! Website promotion will have to wait for a while. Life is full of trials, but with Jesus' love and help, I know that I can overcome, and my future is as bright as the promises of God. He is faithful, so 2007 will be a great year!
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