Website Promotion 101

Internet marketing, website promotion, website traffic, website marketing - my daily buzzwords. I run several websites, so I'm always on the lookout for great website promotion techniques. Let's share!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Scoring Through Blogs

Scoring Through Blogs

Did you know that blogs are a great website promotion tool? As an experiment, I started several blogs on the subject of careers about a couple of months ago. I linked all of them together, of course, and I put their RSS URLs on my MSN, Yahoo and Google Home pages. Then I visited a few forums and made a few posts, making sure to leave my URLs in my signatures.

Well, guess what? Several of these blogs now rank on Page 1 of MSN. As time goes on, I wouldnt' be surprised if they start performing on Yahoo and Google as well. Talk about effective website promotion!

Content is definitely important, so I made sure that I wrote meaty, keyword-rich posts in my blogs. I used a powerful keyword search tool to help me plan my articles. It gave me some great niche keyword phrases I would certainly have never thought of on my own, and saved me a lot of time. Absolutely indispensible for website promotion.

Try this website promotion technique yourself, and tell me how it works out for you. All the best!


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